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020 8300 2480


First Holy Communion


First Holy Communion

Sacrament of Holy Communion


holycommunionThe sacrament of Holy Communion is a stage on the journey when a baptised child is introduced, by specific formation and celebration, to a deeper relationship with Christ and the Church.

A fundamental catechetical requirement (as set out by Pope Pius X) is that a child should be able to recognise that there is a distinction between the Eucharist and ordinary bread.


Three things are important in this celebration:-


Thanksgiving – an opportunity to thank God for all the blessings in our lives.


Acknowledging – the memory of Christ’s gift to us, not as something which happened in the past, but which is both present and real for the people of God today.


Appreciating Christ as present in the Word and Sacrament, and in the clergy and people, wherever we are gathered.


St Lawrence’s offers a programme of first Holy Communion lessons each year.


These lessons are designed to prepare Roman Catholic children of our parish for their first Holy Communion which takes place in May each year at the Church.


The children will also prepare for their first confession. Preparation for First Holy Communion occurs with children aged 7 (school year 3) and above.


The children are taught by the priest and catechists (teachers) who volunteer their time. The lessons are created and are written to be fun and informative.


We want your child to enjoy this preparation time and ask you to look on it as an opportunity for your family, to grow in faith and in your knowledge and love of God, together.


The programme is called I BELONG.  The parents are asked to buy a book for their children to follow.


As parents, you have the most important role in the preparation process, which is primarily to:

  • Accompany your child to Mass – every week
  • Pray with your child
  • Help your child with the small amount of homework


There are also sessions for the parents to attend.  Children’s sessions take place on a Saturday morning from 10 – 11am.


The course usually starts in December and ends in June.


Parents support and encouragement during the process is vital to the Catechists and to your child’s faith development.


What does the Church teach about the Sacrament of Holy Communion?


The Eucharist is “the source and summit of the Christian life.” “The other sacraments, and indeed all ecclesiastical ministries and works of the apostolate, are bound up with the Eucharist and are oriented toward it. For in the blessed Eucharist is contained the whole spiritual good of the Church, namely Christ himself, our Pasch.”